AmigaActive (559/1338)

From:Jim Spratt
Date:14 May 2001 at 22:32:30
Subject:Re: Where can I get CD sleeves?

Hello Richard

On 14-May-01, you wrote:

> Or you could hang them from the rear view mirror of your car! Why DO
> people do that? Is it a safety feature? (You must look like a mobile
> lighthouse at night!)
> Then again it must be a bit of a pain when you go to work in the morning
> and find that your driveway is blocked by 17 jumbo jets, mistaking your
> shiny mirror trinket for the outer marker at Heathrow!!!!! Last summer I
> had three Spanish trawlers and a North Sea oil rig in my garden pond after
> I'd thrown the latest Proclaimers CD out the back window!! Honest!!!!


> Richy.


Jim Spratt (Betajaen/(Ex) RIP Amidev Moderator) or
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